11. - 12. TeamWork-Week Week


11. TeamWork-Week //2016.09.26-2016.09.30//

So, this week we had to implement a trello clone. To this task we could use flask (for the server), JavaScript, and HTML.

In this project we should have used localStorage to store and manage the datas.

12. Self instructed-Week //2016.10.03-2016.10.07//

This week began very fast and hard. We got a so-called “on-time” factor to the scoring viewpoints, therefore it was very important that the assignments were done on time. :) The first task was: we had to implement 2 design patterns: Singleton & Factory.link

Then we should have known with the AJAX. We had to get and post data with the help of SWAPI. Then we had to deploy it with Heroku.

The finished assignment is here.

The source code is here.

12. TeamWork-Week //2016.10.10-2016.10.14//

This week wasn’t so hard, because we had to continue the last assignment, but there was a huge difference: we should have used central database to store and manage the datas. Moreover in this week everybody has the 3. Personal Assessment what included the skills of the HTML5, CSS, Python (OOP, Fask), JavaScript (jQuery). There was 3 important viewpoint: MVC, ORM, AJAX.